First Adult Psychedelic Nightclub
The Festival of Chauli
Innocent Times
Gemini Rising
John Thompson Poster Art
R. Crumb, 1975
Phoebe Gloeckner
Hippie Retail
Wimmen’s Comix All-Stars
Michael McClure
Rare Earth Records
Rick Breach
Crumb Draws Phoebe
Pound, ’76
Spain Bukowski
Patrick Burk’s Headshop?
Crumb, ’75
Skip Williamson
Rick Griffin, 1969
Trina Robbins, 1970
Gracious Roger Dean
John Pound Dreams
Mondays in 2020
Rick Griffin’s Passionetta
Food Is God
The San Francisco Oracle
Greg Irons, 1970
2020 Vibes
Oracle Comix
Gas Comix
Chemical Imbalance
Planet Gong
The Seed
Space City
God Save America
Cover by Jay Kinney, 1987
The Krupp Catalog, Summer of ‘78
Black Review no. 1 (1971)
Unreleased John Thompson
Record Nerd Dreams
John Thompson, 1972
RIP Bonnie MacLean
True love
Jay Kinney 🌀
Better Living Thru Chemistry
Good Tone Records
Stephen Gaskin
Jay Kennedy’s Guide
Freon P. Sandoz
Michele Brand, 1971
Dare to Dream
Black Sabbath
Michael J. Becker
Do you need a hug?
Electric Theatre
Sharon Rudahl, 1973
Jim Roslof
Karl-Heinz Heschbach
Alberto Solsona
Gary Grimshaw, 1968
George Pennewell
A John Thompson Meditation
First Appearance of Mr. Natural
Magical Marin
Electric Kinetic Playground Theatre
Schuman the Human
Natural Hair Care
Crumb Is Easy
Freak Brothers
Walt Crowley
Strawberry Alarm Clock
Howard Bernstein
Spain Rodriguez, 1968
Flamed-Out Funnies, 1975
Peter Max’s Dedication
George Pennewell, 1970
John Thompson Ad for Ginsberg’s Thing
Scorpio Season
The Organ, 1970
International Times, April 1968
Bookman Feels
Witches and Guns
Peter Max Sneakers
Other Scenes
Rick Griffin, Promethean
Vaughn Bode, 1968
The Star Spangled Pentangle
Rick Griffin Lettering
Psychic Massage
Aquarian Angel
Mike Hinge Self-Portrait
Cold Blood + Rick Griffin